
Thursday, June 4, 2020

May Wrap-Up 2020 + June Goals

I meant to post this on Monday, but got so caught up in everything going on that I forgot. Tuesday was #blackouttuesday and I only posted links to help/donate/petitions on all my social media. Wednesday I was just drained and honestly, I still am. If you want info on the police killings and protests and resources to help out/donate, check out my pinned tweet and scroll on down. I've been retweeting like mad anything that's useful. Also, if you want to become a better ally, join me in participating in a buddy read created and led by @bookswithshae that's starting tomorrow, the 5th. She's picked for everyone to read White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo and White Rage by Carol Anderson. You can get the books free on Scribd (2 month free trial, it's her code) hereCheck out Shae ðŸ¦„✨ (@bookswithshae): twitter and YoutubeThere's a website set up for the buddy read here.

I ended up reading five Tor shorts this month, two graphic novels I got off Netgalley, one physical book (review here), one ebook from Netgalley, one ebook from the library, and three audiobooks. I bailed on two that just could not keep my interest (and one especially I kept trying, but would pick it up and just never actually open it to read). I feel bad about these bails as they were both in a reading swap I was doing. Slowly, I'm clawing myself out of this slump, but looking down the road... there are pitfalls, especially if things continue on in lockdown as they have. I'm hoping I'll be able to keep my spirits up and keep focused on the things I need and want to do.

As for the written goals I had this month? They didn't go well. The Asian readathon I wanted to try, I got as far as choosing books for the prompts and didn't get to reading any of them. I technically posted for all the challenges for the Book Review Blog Challenge, though one I reworked and posted after the fact as I hadn't finished the book in time. Didn't finish my first draft of 'Coven' as it's spiraled into me writing another POV in and though it seems to be working well, that means I'm basically rewriting the whole thing to make it mesh better.

Did I finish at least one of the 3 current reads I've been dragging behind me for months now? No, I sure didn't. Did I send my Litsy Markup Postal Book Club book? No - but I did receive the next one I'm supposed to read and have been trying, but couldn't get into either. I'm going to mail them back.

As for movies, I watched quite a bit. A good chunk were horror movies, many old, but I did watch some 2020 flicks and there were a few rewatches.
29 Horror (including Friday the 13th Part 3-8)
7 Animated
* 3
** 17
*** 18
**** 12
***** 1
7 rewatches
total: 51
faves: One of my fave of all time is Tangled (everytime it makes me weep like a baby, it's so sweet) and I also really love Birds of Prey, Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood, Dumplin' (though it was a rewatch, and Clue (the 3 endings slayed me). I also really enjoy Satanic Panic (2019) and Re-Animator (which I've gone on to rewatch already).
major disappoint: I wanted to start a Star Wars rewatch, did Phantom Menace and it was worse than I remembered, clearly the most useless episode of the bunch, and it dissuaded me from continuing the rewatch... and then I watch Rise of Skywalker and other then getting a lot of great silent scene to oogle Kylo Ren, it was a huge, huge disappointment. I only gave three one stars this month, and it got one of them. Phantom Menace, just for being it, I gave two. That's how disappointed I was in Rise of Skywalker.
surprise: Honest to god, have been loving all the B-rate 80's and 90's junk I've been consuming, but Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death (1989) was seriously a shocker on how on the nose it was. Very funny movie.
See all the movies here.

As for June, I have a list of horror movies (one a day) I'm going to watch and a horoscope themed one that I've agreed to read @ least 5 books for the prompts. I also want to finish all the Netgalley books I have now and any ARCs I have that will be pubbed soon so I can get the reviews done.

June Reads:
-American Sherlock - Kate Winkler Dawson (I'm over 50% now - I have to finish it, ARC already released)
-You Beneath Your Skin - Damyanti Biswas (prompt for horoscope read, review requested, blog tour)
-Jane Steele - Lyndsay Faye (prompt for horoscope read, gifted book from some time ago)
-Phoenix - T.S. Alexander (prompt for horoscope read, Netgalley, already released)
-The Paradise Factory - Jim Keen (prompt for horoscope read, Netgalley, already released)
-Grass - Sheri S. Topper (prompt for horoscope read, ebook on Kindle I've had for some time)
-Jennifer Strange - Cat Scully (prompt for horoscope read, Netgalley, to be pubb'd July 21st 2020)
-I Was Told it Would Get Easier - Abbi Waxman (ARC, to be pubb'd June 16th 2020)

I've also decided that I'm going to try and keep up with this blog more and have given myself a 3x a week schedule. We'll see how this goes.

How did you May go?


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